Sunday, 2 June 2013

You're on candid camera

my suppers
my breakfasts
starting on Springer Mountain, GA
hiker party at NOC
Springer Mountain
Lance Creek. There were 17 tents there that night
Blood Mountain
First state line
ET phone home
View from the fire tower on top of Mt Albert
fire tower. My first 100miles hiked
beautiful waterfall
the aftermath of the freezing rain storm that hit when I was close to Franklin, NC
Swimming at Fontana Dam
looking off Fontana Dam
stone fire tower
Trail Magic beer :)
sunrise on Fontana Dam. I believe that the person is Frenchie
Puddin and Nova
Looking back at Fontana Dam
One of the shelters in the Smokies. They had 34+ people sleeping in here!!!
Clingman's Dome. The highest point on the AT
Funnybone, Me, Patty Cakes, Puddin
We have how far to go?!?!?
Charlie's Bunion
View from Charlie's Bunion
Sleeping Beauty earning the manly beard 
Max patch
A family on max patch
AT sign in the sidewalk of Hot Springs, NC
Supper at Sunnybank Inn
Spanky, Crankin, Sleeping Beauty, Puddin, Patty Cakes, Me, Nova
Sleeping Beauty and Nova enjoying the beauty of spring
Drying out after the rain
Nova and Avocado enjoying the trail magic.
time to shower
wheelchair accessible trail
Night Rider and I outside Damascus, VA
Nova and Patty Cakes getting friendly with the wild ponies
random stone structures along the ridge of a mountain
Dragon's Tooth
Coming down off of Dragon's Tooth
MacAfee Knob
Gumby and Jerico
Gumby taking in the view
hikers lining up for free food at Trail days
The start of the hiker parade at Trail Days
hitching a ride back to I-81 after Trail Days
The two guys that drove Gumby and I back to the trailhead after Trail Days....3hours out of their way!
the inside of a rotten tree
Sunshine and I
Trail angles
The baby Fawn that started to follow me....sooooooo cute
Pfeiffer and Progress. Progress hiked the AT a couple yrs ago and brought us trail magic
the roller coaster!!!!
Bears Den Hostel
PATC Trail Centre. I slept on their porch
Arriving at Harpers Ferry
Elyse and I enjoying civilization. (Yes, I am wearing all of her clothes:) )
Enjoying Baltimore crab. I think it might be better than lobster


mackenzie said...

these are great pictures!!

Karen in Calgary said...

Great posting -- LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics (at least these ones won't give me nightmares!). Thanks!!